Not Everyone Is Replaceable

Cut off: To ignore or stop texting/talking to someone. Usually a boyfriend/girlfriend but can also be a friend to.

Example: “Cant belive Kylee cut off Marco just like that. They were so tight”


We live in a society that makes it seem so easy to “cut somebody off”. Sometimes even I, preach how I will cut somebody off anytime they show me that they’re not loyal. But would I be contradicting myself if I was to tell you that not everyone is replaceable?

Yes, there are some bad people in the world. People that have hurt us. And cutting people off helps us remain in control. We control when they leave. When we cut people off WE control when they go, WE control why they go.We don’t have to worry about somebody getting tired of us and leaving out of no where. We don’t have to worry about getting hurt because WE dismiss you before we feel the hurt.

Cutting people off helps us remain in control. We control when they leave. When we cut people off WE control when they go, WE control why they go.

There are some people who don’t mean us any good. Some people that we will be better off without. Even toxic family members. And we preach that we’ll cut anybody off for any reason we see fit. Then what? What happens after we cut off all the weak links? Does something magically happen to us? Do we become a better person? maybe.. but not likely.

LEARN how to communicate! Cutting people off for me was a easy way not to communicate to a person that I felt did me wrong. Cutting somebody off is easy, talking about your feelings is not. THIS IS WHY WE CUT PEOPLE OFF. WE ARE THREATENED BY TALKING ABOUT REAL SHIT.

So instead we talk about you being unloyal, you being fake, you being a snake.. We’re not unleashing all our real problems. You hurt my feelings, you made me feel like I was unworthy, I felt the same way that I did when I was younger when my parents abandoned me. Open up about some real shit!

It’s okay to work with people. Let them know how you feel, why you feel that way and what you need from them. You’re not the only person going through something. You’re not the only one who has past trauma! Everyone’s intent isn’t to hurt or harm you.


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